Why you should use Krowdfin
We don’t sell investments. We sell insights. We never earn money from the investment you choose.
Good Ideas
With Krowdfin, you can source ideas from our database and screen for quality investments through simulation. We connect you with information, without the bias and noise of competing platforms’ screening tools.
Easier Choices
Krowdfin is a tool that can help you build and launch a portfolio of at least 10 stocks in under an hour, vastly beating out competitors’ estimates without sacrificing quality of analysis.
Sound Decisions
Krowdfin provides a proven, in-depth process to simply yet effectively compare investment options. Our strategy helps users avoid both "analysis paralysis" from overwhelming alternatives and blind trust in independent analyst recommendations.
Continuous Improvement
Choosing investments is just one step. To really achieve success, one must monitor their investments’s performance and outlook. By aggregating and idea sourcing, Krowdfin makes this a breeze. Identify the weak links and always keep improving.